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Woman!) are bound by the operation of Ida and Pingala, that
man or woman will be confined to the Earth plane, and to the
theory and practice of birth, death, and rebirth. It is only when
Man is able to raise his Kundalini and by-pass the caretaking
energy sources of Ida and Pingala that he can progress and
know that his time of release from the cycle of birth, death,
and rebirth has come to an end.
It is better to regard these chakras as relay stations, or if you
like, remote control spots. Remember, also, that there are other
important parts of the body such as the cervical ganglion in the
neck, and somewhat below it the vagus nerve. After that we
have the cardiac plexus, the solar plexus, and the pelvic
plexus, but these are  sub-stations and should not bother us
We upon Earth are affected very greatly by all sorts of out-
side influences. There are various rays which affect humans,
and let me say at the outset that astrology is a very, very real
thing indeed, and people should not sneer at it; one should
only sneer at the practitioners who misrepresent astrology be-
cause to do astrology properly takes a long time and entails a
lot of work, so much time and so much work that it is not a
commercial proposition. Certainly you cannot get anything of
a worthwhile reading by looking at the columns of the daily
newspaper and reading your  horoscope .
The  rays are a form of off-shoot of cosmic rays, and
according to the time of the day and your own latitude and
longitude you are subject to certain rays. How the rays affect
you depends upon your astrological make-up. There are, for
example, the orange, the yellow, green, blue, indigo, and
others, but it will be far too much to go into the principle of
these rays in a book of this nature. Let us say, though, that as
one gets to the red end of the spectrum one finds that one is
dealing with the development of individuality, and the purple
is concerned with a group mind, while a green ray tends to
give one an impetus to learning. The yellow ray itself is the
ray of wisdom.
One of the more interesting of the rays is the blue ray which
is supposed to come under the domination of Hermes. In
ancient Egypt, and Chaldea, it was known as the Magicians'
Of more use to us at the moment are the Zodiac Signs.
Imagine that you had a large ball-bearing on a smooth level
surface, then if you arranged magnets all around, you could
hold the ball-bearing in one position, and by juggling with the
position of the magnets you could make the ball-bearing take
up any desired position. Look upon the planets as the magnets
and yourself as the ball-bearing! Our first magnet is the Sun,
but it manifests in what we call the seventh plane of the Ab-
stract Spiritual Consciousness. The result of the Sun's in-
fluence is to give life and to cause life to flourish.
Our next magnet shall be Jupiter; Jupiter is  jovial , benevo-
lent, kind. Here it refers to the sixth plane of Spiritual Con-
sciousness. It is a beneficent planet and gives good balance in
Everyone knows that  jovial people are happy people and
good to know.
Our next magnet is Mercury which has the fifth plane of
abstract mind. It makes people sharp-witted and  jumpy . It
leads to astute business deals. People understand perfectly
what is meant by a  mercurial type . Mercury, the God who
delivered messages, is supposed to control this fifth plane
which also gives good memory.
Our fourth position is Saturn, this is coming down to solid
consciousness. Saturnine people dwell upon things, and it is
often the opposite to the jovial temperament. Saturn people
are limited, restricted, and stern. People who have over-
abundance of this particular Sign have to get patience and
stability before they can progress farther.
Now we come to Venus our  magnet occupying the third
plane of the abstract emotions. Everyone knows that Venus is
the Goddess of Love; it is also a mildly benevolent planet. It
makes people have higher ideals and emotions, it causes people
to develop their own personalities and individuality. Venus
people can be beautiful people unless they are too closely
associated with  malefics .
Our second plane is Mars, it is also our sixth  magnet .
Mars martial, warlike is known as the energizer. It can be a
mildly bad-effect planet if its powers are not correctly used.
Mars dominates the physical body, and frequently, sex desires.
If correctly used Mars increases the consciousness, and in-
creases courage, strength, and endurance.
Lastly our seventh influence is the Moon. Well, everyone
knows what the Moon does, it has an extreme effect on human
life, it causes the tides to rise and fall, not merely at sea, but
also in the human body. Think of the woman's  tide every
month, think of the word  lunatic from  lunar  the Moon.
The Moon has no light of her own, she reflects only that which
is shone upon her, thus a person who has too much Moon
influence has no great personality of his own, he merely re-
flects the views and opinions of those around him.
Probably almost everyone has heard of  twin souls . There
are such things, you know, but upon the Earth plane the meet-
ing of twin souls is a very rare occurrence. You see, if you are
going to get down to basics and you consider the world of anti-
matter, you will appreciate that to be a complete battery [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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