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night we met and you woke up with me in your bed  He paused until I nodded.  I know I let you
believe that we slept together, but we didn t. I would never take advantage of a clearly intoxicated
woman who doesn t even remember her name.
Holy shit.
 But you said we did.
He shook his head slowly.  I never said we did. You assumed it, and I never corrected you.
I peered at him lost for words. He was right, of course, but wasn t hiding the truth almost the
same thing as lying? I had fretted over that night, believing I had cheated on Sean, believing I had
been easy enough to sleep with a stranger, only to find out nothing happened.
 Are you mad? Jett asked.
I took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. Was I mad? No. But I wished he had been frank
with me, in which case I might have discovered sooner just how great he was. Any other man would
have used the situation to his advantage, or worse yet, raped me.
Even if I knew the answer, I still had to ask.  But why did you come home with me?
 Because some drunken idiot hit on you, and I was worried. I helped you and Sylvie get home
safely. You didn t want me to leave, so I stayed. But nothing happened.
I swallow down the lump in my throat.  You were naked.
His glorious lips quirked up in a cheeky smile.  You know I sleep naked.
Smiling faintly, I inclined my head, realizing it was a good thing he let me believe we had
done the dirty before, otherwise I would never have had the courage to start a sexual relationship with
 For all it s worth, I m sorry, Jett said.  I know I should have told you, but the opportunity
never presented itself, and then I didn t really see the point.
I waved my hand.  It s fine. But never lie to me again.
 There s something else.
I glanced up at his face. His brows were still drawn but his eyes shimmered with something I
couldn t quite pinpoint.
Seriously, what was this? Confession day? I eyed him warily.  What? His lips twitched, and
I realized he was having a hard time not to laugh.
 I m not sure you remember, but the next day I helped you home from yet another bar. You
were drunk out of your mind, again.
My memories flew back to the night I found out about my promotion, and Sylvie decided she
wanted to celebrate by wearing a belt as a skirt. She had been adamant she saw Jett watching us, and I
had been pretty sure I caught a glimpse of green eyes through my alcohol-induced haze.
I should have asked what the heck he had been doing at Vixen s and how he had found me in
the first place. Instead, I found myself smiling like an idiot, thinking how cute he was for taking care
of me& until I realized I most certainly hadn t been a pretty sight.
 Oh, gosh. I dropped my head onto my arms, mortified.  I don t scrub up so well drunk.
 You were very talkative, and definitely a lot nicer than when you re sober.
Was that a hint of humor in his voice? I straightened up to take in the amused curve of his
stunning lips. He was making fun of me.
 What did I say?
 That I had the most gorgeous eyes.
Oh god.
I loved his eyes, but he didn t need to know that. At least I didn t say anything about his lips.
 Tucked in your bed you said you wanted to feel my mouth on your whole body.
Earth, swallow me up whole!
I groaned.  You probably misunderstood.
Jett inclined his head in mock concentration, probably recalling every single shameful word of
that fateful night.  I doubt that. You were pretty specific with the details. The fragile skin under his
twinkling eyes creased, and his lips twitched as though he was having a hard time not to laugh.  I
could show you what exactly you wanted me to do.
I had made a fool of myself already, so why not make the best of it?
 Sure. My mouth found his in a heated kiss as I let him pull me into bed, stripping our clothes
off, our luggage forgotten.
Our flight back to New York had a half-hour delay. Sitting in the waiting area at Malpesa
airport with Jett holding my hand felt surreal. For some reason, I expected him to put some distance
between us once we left the privacy of his mansion. To my surprise, he didn t seem in the least fazed
by people seeing us together. It gave me hope that once we were back in New York, he wouldn t end
whatever we had because I liked him more than I wanted to admit.
We stopped to buy newspapers for him and magazines for me, and then boarded the plane for
the nine hour flight that would take us back home. In the harsh veracity of the real world, he was rich,
successful, and one of the most desired bachelors in New York and I was, well, me. A world I
hoped wouldn t tear us apart by pointing out just how different our lives were.
 You re probably eager to get home, Jett whispered in my ear so the flight attendant serving
coffee wouldn t hear us,  but will you stay with me one more night? I m not quite ready to let this go.
 I d love to. Smiling, I kissed him as my heat began to do one somersault after another,
probably interpreting more into his words than I should have.
Chapter 24
After waking up in Jett s stunning apartment sixteen hours later, we lingered in bed, fingers
intertwined, bodies melting in a tight embrace. Jett smelled of cologne and sex, and for the first time
in my life I found the scent intoxicating, just like the man beside me. And it dawned on me that Jett had
brought many  firsts into my life.
 What are you smiling about? he whispered, tracing the contours of my lips with the index
finger he had so shamelessly driven into me only an hour ago.
 Nothing. I stretched out like a cat in front of a fireplace, enjoying the last few hours before
routine would kick in.
We were about to step out of our shell and back into the real world, which worried me. The
last two weeks had been interesting, with very little work and very much other stuff. Back home, it
was only a matter of time until reality would crawl back in, and I realized things would most certainly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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