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greatest strength that can be found in life, nourished by the infinite
residing within us.
So the fear about samyama being abused and used for wrong
purposes is a myth. It is not possible with right practice. We can say that
samyama is morally self-regulating, meaning that the deeper we go into
it, the more moral strength we will have coming out from within us. If it
is not right practice, not letting go into stillness, it is not samyama, and
the power coming out will be much less.
Samyama is not projection of personal power. If there is projection
involved in a practice, it is something else. It can be misguided ego, the
dark arts, whatever we want to call it. It isn t samyama. If there is a
danger, it is in the personal projection of power. Many of the world s ills
have come from this. Samyama is the great undoer of egocentric
adventures that have caused so much misery in the world. Correct
practice of samyama is infallible in its results. And incorrect practice of
samyama will not work. It is very safe.
So, let s begin samyama, and all that our heart craves deep within
will be given to us, and much more.
I am experiencing fast breathing and physical movements
sometimes during samyama. What is it?
When we systematically let go of our sutras in samyama practice,
inner silence will begin to move inside us in particular ways that reflect
the flavor of the sutras we are using, giving rise to a variety of
sensations, thoughts and feelings. These will be the result of purification
occurring in our nervous system. The movement of inner silence
outward can also be experienced as energy moving through us, which
can give rise to physical symptoms, such as alterations in breathing and
physical movements.
Sometimes we call physical symptomsautomatic yoga, since they
may resemble yogic maneuvers and breathing practices. By automatic
yoga, we do not mean practices we must follow when they happen. The
way we handle such symptoms is to neither favor them, nor try and push
them out. We just easily favor the practice we are doing over such
experiences. In this case, the easy procedure of our samyama practice.
It is possible for the symptoms to become dramatic, such as the
body beginning to shake and hop on our meditation seat during the
lightness sutra. If this happens, we should take necessary precautions to
protect ourselves and the furniture, by avoiding such activity on a fragile
bed and having suitable padding underneath ourselves on a solid surface
during our samyama. While our practice might seem chaotic sometimes,
there is a method to it, and a lot of intelligence manifesting from within
along with the energy. Still, it is up to us to take whatever precautions
we feel are necessary to assure our safety. This is true for all yoga
practices, and is an aspect of self-pacing.
Physical movements are caused by the friction of inner energies
moving through our not yet fully purified nervous system. The further
along the path we go, the more purification and opening we will have,
and the less likely extreme physical movements will be. Then the
experiences will be more along the lines of abiding inner silence,
ecstatic bliss and outpouring divine love.
Along the path of purification and opening, we can have all sorts
of things going on. It goes with the territory, and we deal with things as
they come up in ways that assure our ongoing progress with comfort and
I am filled with bright light and pleasurable energy during
samyama, and for some time after. Is this the right result?
This is another way our purification and opening can be
experienced. It means we are experiencing inner energy flow with less
friction involved, which can give rise to experiences of inner light and
ecstasy. Such experiences can come and go along the path of inner
purification and opening.
Having this kind of experience does not mean we have arrived.
More than likely we will continue to have many ups and downs along
the way. It is a preview of what our life will be like permanently in the
long term. The main thing is to continue with daily practices, and favor
that over any lovely experiences that might distract us from doing the
very practices that have created the experiences.
There are good things happening. It is our practice that is causing
these experiences, so always favor the practice.
Why do I feel edgy and irritable after my samyama practice
Irritability can result if we are overdoing in our practices, or
coming out too fast, not taking adequate rest at the end of our sittings.
One of the most common causes of irritability in activity is getting up
too soon after practices. So be sure to address that first. It is very
important to take at least 5-10 minutes of rest after our samyama
practice. If we have a place to lie down during this time, it is good.
If irritability persists after practices, even when we are taking good
rest before getting up, it can be overdoing in our practices. In the case of
samyama, if two repetitions of our sutras is leaving us with irritability,
then we can drop back to one repetition for a few sessions and see if that [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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