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they were doing was wrong that it was going to end with somebody dying."
Kevin's pleadings didn't make much of an impression on Scott. Like so
many other things in his world, he had always pictured dying as it
happened in the movies. Kevin remembered how Scott had watched First
Blood over and over, fascinated with the way Sylvester Stallone's
character was depicted. In the film, Stallone spoke graphically about
how parts of his friend's body literally exploded in battle and how he
had tried to put him together again. Of course, Stallone washed the
blood off when the director yelled "Cut" and lived to be shot at again
in movie after movie. Kevin wondered why Scott didn't realize that dying
in movies wasn't like real dying. But then, Scott didn't expect to be
caught, or shot. He was beefing up his own arsenal to include powerful,
metal-piercing automatic weapons. He was also studying up on new
anti-bank robbery devices. He had heard that there were things beyond
dye packs that could be hidden in stacks of money various devices that
could tie robbers to their crimes. He didn't know if such high-tech
equipment really existed or if it was only something on the "X-Files" or
in spy novels. It didn't worry him that much, it was only another
challenge, part of the very sophisticated "chess game" that his entire
life had become. Now that he was the most sought after bank robber in
Seattle, Scott assumed that the cops would bring out everything they had
to stop him. It didn't matter, he wasn't about to quit, not until he
carried out such a memorable bank robbery that nobody would ever forget
it. Sabrina still lived with Scott in the treehouse, although she made
frequent trips to Arizona. She had learned never to ask questions about
his activities, but she knew he was in danger. He had told her that
someone might come after him, and that they would have to be ready. She
didn't know that Scott had been talking about being ready for years all
she knew was that Scott was involved in a massive "experiment" and that
it required a big cash investment.
In the long edgy summer of 1996, Scott told her he was running a little
low on money and asked her if she would get a cash advance on her credit
cards for him. She had good credit, and she had loaned Scott money
before. He always paid her back twice what she had loaned him.
This time, Sabrina was able to get over $30,000 for Scott. Borrowing
that much was a little scaryshe had never been in so much debt before
but it didn't matter, she loved Scott, and they had been together for
more than a year now. She thought they would probably be together for as
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
long as they lived. Her money was his money, and, anyway, she had every
reason to trust that he would pay her back when his latest project came
through for him. Sometime in high summer, Scott traveled to see Steve
Meyers in New Orleans. During the week that Scott stayed in Steve's home
they discussed their future plans.
Scott seemed to consider Steve's worry that they were running out of
luck. Both of them had always played long odds and won but they also
knew that no one won forever. Scott told Steve that there would be only
one more bank robbery. Steve felt a tremendous sense of relief.
But Scott held up his hand, "I meant, we're going to do one last day of
bank robbing." His plan was to hit three banks in one day. Bing.
Bang. Boom. The cops would never expect that. While police cars were
clustered around the first bank, Scott, Steve, and Mark would already be
in the second. That would leave the police and the FBI reeling and then
they would be in and out of the third before the men and women on the
task force ever put it all together. Steve Meyers stared at Scott,
wondering if he had lost his mind. Three banks in one day? "It will be a
big job, " Scott continued smoothly. "We'll get at least a million maybe
"I'd need twenty percent, " Steve said, "for something that risky.
"No problem." Scott explained that he was approaching this job with more
preparation and study than ever before. It would be a three-man job. He
had already consulted with technicians who might be able to help them
circumvent any new security the banks might try to throw at them, and he
had even figured out a way to lose police helicopters.
Steve asked about Mark. Mark had made mistakes in each of the bank jobs
he had participated in so far.
How did they know he wouldn't get nervous and mess up again? What if he
got caught? "If he's wounded wouldn't leave him behind, " Scott said
flatly. "I'd kill him, because he would talk "
"What about me? " Steve asked in a hushed voice. "You wouldn't get
Nobody ever sees you."
"But what if I did get caught? " Scott said nothing. For all his calm
exterior, Scott seemed to sense that everything was spinning out of
control. Did they need two million dollars? Was it worth the risk?
Was anything worth the kind of risk that Scott was suggesting? Scott
went ahead with his plans, brushing away any questions or objections.
He called for a summit meeting in Olympia. Steve was there and so was
Mark Biggins. Scott outlined the possible targets, the Sea first Bank in
the Roosevelt district, the Sea first Bank in the Green Lake district,
and the Sea first Bank in Lake City. They were all in the north end of
Seattle the first two in the near north end, and the latter near the
city's northern border. They were all neighborhood banks. Bing Bang
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