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but as long as he wasn t a vegetable, everyone was okay with helping
Chauncey out.
Seth s Chance 137
Chauncey didn t like being coddled, but he was good-natured
about it. Seth would have probably fallen apart if he had to depend on
other people for simple things. But not Chauncey, he took things in
stride. That said a lot about his character.
 I have to go to work today, Seth said as he stood.  Would you
mind giving me a ride?
 One ride coming right up, Chance said as he quickly finished
his food and drank down his juice in one gulp. Seth hadn t meant for
Chance to scarf his food down. They had plenty of time.
 Are you sure it s okay for Oscar to hang around here? Seth
asked Bryce.
 He s family. We take care of family, Bryce said as if he were
offended. Seth saw Chance giving him a slight nod and dropped the
matter. He was trying to get along with the Lakelands, not piss them
 Thanks, he said as he ruffled Oscar s hair and then headed
toward the door. He felt odd leaving Oscar. He had felt odd and guilty
yesterday for leaving Oscar. Seth didn t think he would ever feel
comfortable with leaving Oscar s care with someone else, but he was
eternally grateful his nephew hadn t been in the apartment last night.
Things could have gone really bad.
Not like they hadn t anyway.
Chance drove Seth to town, taking the scenic route. Seth knew
there was a quicker way, but he had time.  Tell me about your
world, Seth said as he gazed out of the window.
 I don t think you re ready for that, babe. I don t want you having
another breakdown.
 That bad? Seth asked.
 Tell me.
Chance sighed.  You know I have six brothers and two fathers,
Seth nodded.
138 Lynn Hagen
 Well, my pa mated a fey. Riley is still single. Roman mated a
human. Gavin mated an ocelot shifter.
 A cat? Seth asked.
Chance chuckled.  Don t let Alex hear you call him that. He gets
A cat shifter not wanting anyone to call him a cat. How strange.
 My twin mated a human, and Olsen mated a vampire that s a& 
Chance trailed off, scratched his chin, and then shook his head.  I m
not sure what else Tater is. He s referred to as a hybrid, but don t ask
me what he s mixed with. Then there are the three vampires who live
there along with Abe, who is fey, and he helps out around the ranch.
Seth sat perfectly still, trying to take in everything Chance just
told him. Chance must have noticed the stiffness of his shoulders,
because he stiffened himself, a dark shadow crossing his eyes.  You
Seth nodded.  I did. He stared out of the window, watching the
fields filled with cows and horses, wondering how he had stumbled
into this world.  I thought living in the city was something. I have
seen women walk up to strangers and proposition them, drug dealers
selling their drugs right in front of the corner store, homeless people
getting rolled for the joy of the attackers. Seth continued to stare out
of the window.  When I came here to Brac Village, I thought to
myself that this would be a wonderful place to raise a child. It is so
laid-back, and the people are really friendly.
 Until a few days ago, Chance added.
Seth gave a slight jerk to his head, agreeing.  Now I see that
nowhere is really safe. There are worse things out there than
hoodlums and drug dealers, Chance, and I don t know what to do with
that information. I feel so helpless in keeping Oscar safe.
 He is safe, Seth. He s with bear shifters and a family who adores
him. He lives in a village that is run by a pack of timber wolves who
take caring for family to a whole new level.
Seth closed his eyes.  Timber wolves, he said softly.
Seth s Chance 139
 Yes, timber wolves, Chance repeated.
Seth opened his eyes when Chance pulled over to the side of the
road. He glanced at his mate, wondering what Chance was doing. He
didn t like the storm he saw in Chance s eyes.
 I would raise my family here in a heartbeat, Seth. The
community pulls together, the people help out, and the shifters will
have your back no matter what. This may be a small town, but we
care about each other. No one will hurt Oscar, and no one else will
hurt you. What happened in the woods was a rarity. I admit, there are
dangerous things out there that will sooner kill you than talk to you,
but that s what a community is for. We look out for each other. It
usually isn t this exciting around here. As a matter of fact, it gets
downright boring. But if you want to move, we ll move. But I m
telling you now, we won t find a safer place than Brac Village.
 We? Seth asked.
 We, Chance answered.  You are my mate, and Oscar is my son,
nephew, whatever title you want to use. I go where you go, and vice
versa. I m in this for the long haul, Seth.
 Wow, Seth said as he grinned.  That s the most I ve heard you
say at one time.
Chance s grin turned into something Seth was becoming familiar
with. His grey eyes smoldered as the side of his mouth tipped up
higher. Yeah, Seth knew that look, but he wasn t expecting to see it
out here on the back roads. He had a sneaking suspicion Chance took
the scenic route for a nefarious reason.
 Why are you looking at me like that? Seth asked innocently. He
knew. He just wanted to hear Chance admit it.
 Because you are going to take those pants off and come over
here and ride me, my sweet little morsel. Chance reached down,
unsnapping his jeans and separating the folds, running his fingers over
the large outline that began to swell.
140 Lynn Hagen
 Out here, where anyone could see us? Seth asked. He knew the
answer. He could see it in Chance s eyes as his mate freed his shaft,
running his thumb over the weeping head.
 Right here, right now.
Seth licked his lips, his eyes locked onto what Chance was doing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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