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That was the point. Jamie wasn t planning on doing anything, but ninety-percent of the
insane things people did were unplanned. A plan. That s what Dillon needed. When his mind
finally settled on a course of action, Dillon breathed a sigh of relief. Jamie might not like it, but
once Dillon made the necessary arrangements, he d at least be able to go to work without
worrying. For the first time that day, Dillon actually smiled.
* * * * *
Jamie wasn t surprised to see Megan standing on his doorstep at four o clock that
afternoon. He might not be surprised, but he didn t have to like it, either.  Damn it, he called you
to play watchdog, didn t he?
If Megan was put off by Jamie s burst of temper, she didn t show it.  If by he you mean
Dillon, then yes, he did. Jamie started huffing again, and Megan had the nerve to laugh.  Oh
goody, a real live gay snit. Get over yourself, Jamie. You and I are gonna have a nice long visit
until Dillon gets off work, and then, since it s Friday night, he ll probably come over here and
the two of you can suck face and various other body parts.
That part sounded okay, but it rankled that Dillon thought Jamie needed a keeper. Still, he
had to admit, it was nice to have some company. Aunt Sadie wouldn t be home from the library
for another couple of hours, and Jamie was sort of lonesome by himself. Not that he would tell
any of that to Dillon the next time he saw him. Nope, Dillon was destined to catch at least a little
bit of hell.
Giving in, Jamie said,  You hungry?
 Depends on what you ve got in there.
Jamie grinned.  Leftover lasagna okay?
 Now you re speaking my language. Lead the way, oh kind and gracious host.
Jamie led Megan into the kitchen and instructed her to sit down while he pulled the
lasagna out of the fridge. Putting a huge pile of the stuff on a plate, Jamie slid it into the
microwave. Before long the heavenly smell of pasta, marinara sauce, and melted cheese filled
the kitchen.
Megan sighed in rapture.  There ought to be a law against anything smelling so good. I
feel sorry for Dillon and Heath, eating out of cans and boxes all the time.
 Can I ask you a personal question?
Megan propped her size five feet on an empty chair.  You can ask me anything you want.
Doesn t mean I ll answer it, but you can always ask.
 You know Heath s got a thing for you, right?
Megan snorted.  Sure he does. That s why he avoids me like the black plague.
Jamie was shocked.  Heath does that?
 Yep. When he did Fireman s Week at The Boys and Girls Club, Heath and I were
actually working towards a friendship. At least I thought we were, anyway. Even when Dillon
moved in with him, he and I were able to talk, you know, kid around. We got along great. Then I
kissed him and all that went up in flames.
The microwave dinged, but Jamie couldn t tear his eyes away from Megan long enough
to take the lasagna out.  You kissed him? When?
Megan actually blushed.  The day after Ben s memorial service. Heath came over to
thank Mom and me for cleaning his apartment. As he was leaving, I walked him out to his truck,
and he gave me a hug. I looked up, he looked down, and before I knew it, total lip-lock.
 So, how was it?
The dreamy look on her face would have been sappy on anyone else, but on Megan it just
looked cute.  It was perfect. Talk about fireworks. That boy has the softest lips. Incredible
doesn t even cover it. She scrunched her brows together.  At least it was until he freaked out on
me. One minute he had his tongue down my throat and the next minute he was hollering about
how I m too young for him and how he s not ready to make a commitment. It was one kiss, for
heaven s sake. It s not like I asked him to father my children.
Jamie nodded in sympathy as he took the plate out of the microwave.  Sorry, Megan.
Wish I could help, but I m not exactly batting a thousand in the romance department myself.
It was Megan s turn to be shocked.  I thought you and Dillon were doing great.
 We are but & we, um, fooled around a little bit, that night we went to Chicago to the
 That s a good thing, right?
 Yeah, but the thing is, he hasn t touched me since then. Well, not really anyway. I mean
we kiss and stuff, which is great, but I thought sure he d want to, well  
 Fuck you till your eyes crossed?
 Megan! God, do you have to be so blunt?
Megan wasn t even close to being remorseful.  Yep. My Grandmother says,  Life is
short. Why waste time beating around the bush? Say what you gotta say and get it over with. 
Megan smiled as Jamie brought the lasagna plate and two forks to the table. He went back to
fetch a couple of Cokes from the fridge, ignoring Megan s offers of help. She waited until Jamie
was seated, then stuck her fork into the warm, gooey dish and brought it to her lips, savoring it
like a last meal. Washing her food down with a healthy swig of coke, Megan said,  Since you re
feeding me, I m gonna give you some inside information, but if you tell Dillon I told you, I ll
deny every word. Deal?
 Jamie, Dillon told me what happened at the theater.
Jamie turned bright red, but Megan laughed it away.  He and I are friends. He tells me
the stuff he can t talk to you about. Anyway, he loved every minute of it, but now he s afraid.
Jamie couldn t believe it.  Of me?
 No, not of you. Not really, anyway. He s afraid if he rushes you into sex, you ll think
he s just using you again.
 Doesn t he know that I trust him?
 Knowing in his head and believing it in his heart are two different things. No, if you
want to get Dillon out of those tight drawers of his, you re gonna have to make the first move.
Megan grinned.  Don t look so nervous. I ve actually got something out in my car that might
help you along a little bit. I was gonna give it to Dillon, but since it looks like you re gonna have
to get things started between you two, I ll give it to you instead. Just remind me to give it to you
before I leave.
Jamie poked around the lasagna with his fork. It made sense, but Jamie wasn t sure what
to do with that information. He d never even thought about seducing anyone. In the past, Dillon
had always made the first move. Knowing he was gonna have to do it scared the heck out of
Jamie, not to mention the fact that he was worried as hell about what Megan might have in her
car. Meggie was a sweet girl, but some of her ideas were a bit, um & warped. Rather than think
about the situation with Dillon, Jamie changed the subject.  Dillon and I went to see Ash
 Poor guy. He s lucky you and Dillon found him when you did. Megan scooped up
another forkful of pasta.  I gather the rumors are true, then. He really did try to kill himself
because he was having an affair with Ben Lewis. I m assuming you guys went over there to give
him Ben s letter?
Uh oh.  Yep.
 What did it say?
Jamie adored Megan, and he hated keeping secrets from him, but this was Ash s secret,
not his. Keeping his voice neutral, Jamie shrugged.  You know. The usual stuff. Usual when
your boyfriend was blackmailing your father, that is. Damn. The blackmail. Megan didn t know
about that either. Damn, damn, damn.
Megan swallowed another mouthful of food.  Poor Ash must have really been in love
with Ben to want to kill himself over the guy. Especially with Ben s past. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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