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been keeping the decomposition slow. But what worried me was that it had been gutted, the entrails
eaten first and the rest remaining as a slow smorgasbord.
 Let s get out of here, I said, thinking that even though the Weres were on a private island, they were
doing their entire species a great disservice. Remembering and honoring your heritage was one thing.
Going wild was another.
We backed away, the low growl rumbling up from behind us pulling me to a heart-pounding halt.Damn .
From the other side came a high yip.Double damn . Adrenaline pulsed through me, making my head hurt
and my hand drop to the reassuring feel of my splat gun. Jenks turned, putting his back to mine.Shit. Why
couldn t anything be easy?
 Where are they? I whispered, bewildered. The clearing looked empty.
 Rache? Jenks said.  My size recognition might be off, but I think it s a real wolf.
I followed his gaze, but I didn t see anything until it moved. My first flush of fear redoubled. A Were, I
could reason with, shouting things like I.S. investigations, paperwork, and news crews, but what could
you say to a wolf whose kill you ran into? And what in hell were they doing with real wolves? God, I
didn t want to know.
 Get your ass up a tree, I said, fixed on the yellow orbs watching me. My gun was in my hand, arms
extended and stiff.
 They re too thin, he whispered.  And I ve got your back.
My gut clenched. Three more wolves came skulking out from the brush, snarling at each other as they
closed the distance. It was a clear indication that we should leave, but there was nowhere to go.  How
good are you with that slingshot? I said loudly, hoping the sound of our voices would chase them off.
Ri-i-i-ight .
I heard a low thrum of vibrating rubber, and the closest wolf yipped, shying before it snapped at its pack
mate.  It didn t break against the fur, Jenks said.  Maybe if they re closer.
I licked my lips, my grip on my gun tightening. Crap, I didn t want to waste my spells on wolves, but I
didn t want to end up like that deer either. They weren t afraid of people. And what that likely meant
gave me an unsettled feeling. They d been running with Weres.
My pulse jackhammered when the nearest wolf started an unnerving pace to me. The memory of Karen
pinning me to the floor and choking me into unconsciousness raced through me. Oh God, these wolves
wouldn t pull their punches. I couldn t make a protective circle.
 Use  em, Rache! Jenks exclaimed, his back to mine.  We ve got three more coming from my side!
Adrenaline burned, tripping me into an unreal high of the calm-of-battle. I exhaled and squeezed the
trigger, aiming for the nose. The nearest wolf yelped, then dropped in its tracks. The rest charged. I
gasped, praying the compressed air would hold out as I continued to shoot.
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 Stop! shouted a distant masculine voice. The sound of tearing bushes spun me.
 Rachel! Jenks cried, falling away.
A black shadow crashed into me. I screamed, clenched into a ball as I hit the ground. Leaf mold hit my
cheek. The musky scent of Were filled my senses. The memory of Karen s teeth on my neck paralyzed
me.  They re alive! I shouted, covering my face.  Damn it, don t hurt me, they re alive! This wasn t an
alpha contest, but an attack in the woods, and I could be as scared as I wanted.
 Randy, stand down! the masculine voice shouted.
I still had my gun. I still had my gun. The thought of it slid through my panic. I could plug the son of a
bitch if I needed to, but putting him down might not be the best way to go about this. Now that we were
found, I d rather talk my way out of it.
The Were standing over me grabbed my shoulder in his mouth, and I almost lost it.  I submit! I
shouted, knowing it would likely trigger a different set of reactions. My hand still gripped my gun, and if
things didn t change really fast, I was going to drop him.
 Get off her, Jenks said, his voice low and controlled.  Now.
All I could see was werewolf hair, long, brown, and silky. The heat from him was a moist wave of musk.
I shook from the adrenaline as the Were snarled, my shoulder still in its mouth. I heard three pairs of
people feet come to a thumping halt around us.
 What is he? I heard one whisper.
 He s going to be a chew toy if he doesn t put that slingshot down, another answered.
I took a breath, willing myself to stop trembling.  If this moldy wolf hide doesn t get off me, I m going to
spell him!  I shouted, hoping my voice wasn t shaking.
The Were growled, and I couldn t help but shriek,  I ll do it! when his grip tightened.
 Randy, get your wormy ass off her! the first voice exclaimed.  She s right. They aren t dead; they re
knocked out. Stand down!
The pressure on my shoulder increased, then vanished. Hand on my shoulder, I sat up, trying not to
shake as I took in the clearing. It was full of downed wolves and Weres, all but one in their people shift.
Jenks was surrounded by three Weres in brown fatigues holding conventional weapons. I didn t know
what they were, but they looked big enough to leave holes. He still hadn t lowered his arm with the
slingshot on it, and it was pointed at a fourth Were standing a little apart from everyone else.He didn t
have a drawn weapon, but it was clear he was in charge since he had a shiny little emblem on his cap
instead of a patch like everyone else. He looked older too. There was a pistol in a holster on his belt, and
brown face paint marked his skin. Swell, I d fallen into a freaking survivalist group. Just peachy damn
keen. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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